Asher Golf
Asher Golf Identity Refinement and Expansion After a one-man-show self start-up golf glove company made a few waves on his own, We were enlisted to help refine and expand the brand identity to help prepare for a more robust attack on the tired, boring golf glove market. Asher's intent was to change the face of the golf glove industry and create a low expense product in the golf industry to give players the ability for self expression/attention getting with out breaking the bank and being too risky. With that intent an identity expansion was developed to allow the product to be the primary visual while allowing the identity show it's differences from the industry as well as flex into different styles of product to be created. The first task was refining the existing logo's type treatment. We gave it an overall lighter weight and corrected visaully heavy intersection areas to produce a more consistent image at all sizes as well as aid in 3D reproduction of the logo on product at small sizes. From there, the identity was expanded beyond the logo with color and type systems and a set of secondary graphics to ad more depth to communications.